Do you have any questions? Contact us!

The main activity of Nikma Engineering is designing customized electronic devices.

Development starts with your idea. We take care of the rest:
  • Your idea
    Any project starts with the Customer's original idea
  • Technical requirement
    Our specialists will work jointly with you to develop the technical requirement if you don`t have it.
  • Development and trials
    We will design the device and perform all necessary tests with the manufactured prototype
  • Preparation of documentation
    At the output you get a complete package of technical documents and assistance in launching production
NIKMA Engineering's specialists will assist you in creating your project from assistance in developing technical requirements, to preparation for serial production and subsequent technical support of your project.

We take on all the difficulties associated with engineering solutions, component selection, production of test samples and debugging of their work.

We have partner relations with reliable manufacturers of printed circuit boards, and also the companies which are engaged in soldering and installation works that give us the chance to help the Customer to start the project in serial production, irrespective of its scale.

When designing the electronics, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • серийный выпуск плат
    The mass character of subsequent batches
  • запайка плат
    The way the boards in the series will be soldered
  • стоимость устройства
    Cost of the finished device
  • электронные компоненты
    Quality and durability of all electronic components
  • пайка плат
    Convenience for operators of soldering developed boards
  • международные стандарты
    Compliance with international standards
Because of most of our customers are not strong in the technical subtleties in the field of development of printed circuit boards, drawing up circuits, writing firmware for microcontrollers - we arrange the work in such a way as to simplify the tasks for the Customer as much as possible.

At the same time, we are always glad to communicate with professionals on the part of the Customer who has their own vision in the development and design electronics solutions.

Our team works using Scrum, Kanban project management methods for clarity of planning and reporting system to the customer.
Our customers are:

- individuals who have the idea of a device for their own needs, but not enough skills to implement it.

- Small companies that need the development of electronic solutions. It can be devices designed to facilitate the activities of the company (automation of certain processes), or devices for sale, which were originally developed for commercial purposes.

- Large manufacturing companies. As a rule, such companies have their own staff of developers, but they can contact our engineers in the period of heavy workload and a large number of projects.
Who are our customers?
NIKMA Engineering is a group of professionals who love and do their job because they know how to do it best. Commercial development of custom electronics is a great opportunity to implement new projects that are not alike, grow professionally, keep up with modern technologies and keep abreast of all the trends in the world of electronics and programming.

By developing printed circuit boards and creating software for our customers, we get from the final result no less satisfaction than the customer.

The more complex and interesting the order for the development of printed circuit boards and electronic devices we receive, the faster we develop, and therefore we are ready for more complex projects!
Why are we doing this?